The cost of Paua comprises an initial setup fee and then a continuing support/licence cost.
We will set up a system free of charge for you to evaluate for a month. After that you can decide whether Paua meets your needs and start paying the support/license fee or we can simply remove the trial system.
Once you decide to go ahead with Paua a fixed setup fee is charged for initial setup of the application for your particular agency.
This covers
There is a monthly fee for continued use of the Paua application. This is based on the number of active Paua users at the agency. (Active means that they have a Paua user account on the system in an 'Active' state).
Note that you can have as many 'Inactive' users as you like. Inactive users are normally staff members who have left the organisation but their records are still stored.
Blocks of additional licences are in groups of ten. For example the standard initial setup is for up to 10 users. The next step is 10 - 20 users and then 20 -30 users and so on.
The monthly support/license fee provides: